While this blog was originally set up for potential and current daycare families, it is my hope that this blog will also be of service to fellow homeschool families of young ones and give ideas to mixed aged families on how to keep little hands busy while teaching older siblings.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Crafts

Snowman Face

Reindeer Face

This was so fun to make! :) The kids really liked getting their hands painted for the hand prints.  I don't know if you can tell but the nose is made from a pom pom. So cute!!!

Next Best Thing To Real Snow

I would love it if we got a bit of snow here in the valley, but it just doesn't so we brought in the "snow" for a day of snow play and exploration of long chained molecules.  The upside? You can play with it indoors, it doesn't melt and it won't freeze your hands.  This feels so realistic that some snowboard parks use it for snowboarding!